Openings: 1LDK x Lotte Lyon
Aoyama/Meguro gallery’s opening reception for Lotte Lyon (in the foreground), was one of the busiest I have seen so far. The artist, now on the Austrian government residency fellowship in Japan, was showing a recent selection of photographs and drawings. The centerpiece of the installation is a plywood model—a prototype of an earlier exhibition venue scaled 1:2—with an overdrawing of a grid. Lyon’s spatial investigations, uncomplicated as they seem at the first glance, have an unexpected depth to them both literally and figuratively. This is especially visible in a series of photographs showing origami paper constructions where the space is rendered through a combination of actual shapes (rectangles of paper) and the linework covering their surface. When you visit the exhibition, pay particular attention to what Lyon is doing with color. She does not take it for granted, instead, trying to introduce it into the photographs incrementally, fusing drawing and color.
Also featuring a paper sculpture (look up towards the heating/cooling unit) by another Austrian artist, Christian Hutzinger. More of his work could be seen at the rooftop of the “Nakameguro Mansion” (1-5-1- Kamimeguro, Meguro).
The exhibition will be on through February 7.