The upcoming show at the Yamamoto Gendai gallery follows suit of Chim↑Pom’s response to the nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant (see previous posting). What follows is the gallery’s press-release. Atom Suit Project: Antenna of the Earth is an installation of a life-size figure of the artist himself in a radiation detecting Atom Suit equipped […]
The winner of the 2010 Bacon Prize is Keisuke Tanaka whose work was on view in the Yamamote Gendai Gallery’s booth. Tanaka’s mixed media installations (the one in the show was acrylic on camphor tree, lead and natural pigment) appear organic. As is the case with many other artists represented by this gallery, his works […]
Posted on November 8, 2009, 1:40 AM, by jfriedman, under
Daiwa Foundation Art Prize,
Etsuko Fukaya,
Keiichi Tanaami,
Kenji Nohara,
Kodama Gallery,
Marcus Coates,
Nanzuka Underground,
Takehito Koganezawa,
Tomio Koyama Gallery,
Yamomoto Gendai.
Another night of openings in the Kiyosumi and Shirokane art complexes. Tomio Koyama Gallery presented video works of the Daiwa Foundation Art Prize winner Marcus Coates. His video work Dawn Chorus (2007) is a set up of several screens that show people in their natural habitat lipsynching bird songs recorded in the woodlands of Northern […]